Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The processes that occur in the Network when you Essay

The processes that occur in the Network when you - Essay Example There are several processes that are running concurrently, both at server and client ends, to make this communication a success. A thorough knowledge of these devices and their roles, protocols and associated technologies, at various levels of the network, is required for understanding the process that take place in a network for communication to occur successfully. Analyzing the process at various layers of a network demands a methodical comprehension of a ‘broad brush’ picture of the communication channel and protocol stack that might be at work behind the scene. More often than not, access to private networks, like the X-Stream server from our home or some other remote location is materialized through Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology. VPN is used to access a private network, like a university Learning Management System (LMS), over a public network like the Internet. When a student access X-Stream Server over a public network, this implementation of VPN is know n to be an ‘Access VPN’. VPN ensures a secure access to the private resource through implementation of security at various layers of the communication channel. ... rs used to define communication spectrum over the TCP/IP suit of protocols includes; Application Layer, Host to Host Layer , Internet Layer and Network Access Layer. The process that occurs on the network is mainly the study of data as it travels through the TCP/IP stack because WAN is only used as a vehicle to carry data and no significant processing is done as far the data is concerned. There are several important protocols that forms a part of the TCP/IP protocol suite which includes FTP, TFTP, VoIP, HTTP, ICMP, UDP, ARP and RARP etc. Moreover the RIP and OSPF are also the part of TCP/IP protocol suite which ensures the routing of the information over a network. From a user’s perspective the process that occur on a network starts with the use of application software that can talk to a underlying network e.g. a web browser that uses HTTP to make things happen for a user. Comer refers this as the application level internet service and states, â€Å"From a user’s point view, the internet appears to consist of a set of application programs that use the underlying network to carry out useful communication tasks†(3). Moreover the session of communication instance is maintained at the Application Layer, however these session are not logged by HTTP. â€Å"Each HTTP request is self-contained; the server does not keep a history of previous request or previous sessions† (Comer, 490). At next level the processes to ensure and enforce the data integrity, correctness and reliable packet delivery are guarded by the Host to Host layer. This layer also segments and sequences the continuous stream of data that leaves a user end and reassembles it at server end while acknowledging the receipt of each segment. â€Å"As each segment of data is received at the destination, an

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