Monday, September 2, 2019

Chartism: Working Class and National Political Movement

TMA 02 Task 1 In the history block, you learned about three explanations for Chartism’s support – a reaction to economic pressure, national political movement and an inclusive cultural community. What evidence is there in the extract above of three explanations for Chartism’s support that you learned about in the history chapter of Y180, and which, if any, is stressed most strongly by the speaker? Part 1 In no more than 200 words, write a plan for this essay Introduction: 1. Explain the background and context of the extract 2.This essay will consider the evidence for Chartism’s support in terms of economic pressure, popular radicalism, and cultural inclusiveness 3. It will argue all three factors contributed to Chartism’s support but political focus is dominant Economic pressure: 1. 1837-42 were periods of economic downturn, Chartism attracted support by addressing economic circumstances – mention class legislations 2. Manufacturing populatio n under-represented in the electoral system 3. Mention Asa Briggs, secondary source 1, who highlights the significance of economic circumstances A national political movement: 1.Indicate how Chartism was built on pre-existing support for electoral reform 2. State the popular proposed class legislation changes 3. Use primary source 6 to show the heritage of popular radicalism and the public’s want for reform 4. Mention the use and importance of political language 5. Back up this view with Stedman Jones, secondary source 2 Cultural incisiveness: 1. Chartism welcomed those that were excluded from power in every other way – the working class 2. Mention Ellen Yeo, secondary source 3 to support this 3. Ideal of power to the people Conclusion: 1. Evidence for all 3 factors 2.Final reflection – political movement is most stressed 200 words Part 2 Write the essay, using no more than 800 words. In this essay I shall consider how all three explanations contributed to Chart ism’s support and which factor can be seen as the most dominant. The speech made by an unknown speaker in 1839 is a primary source of information from the Northern Star newspaper, the ‘main voice in print’ (P. 107) of Chartism, and therefore we cannot be sure of its reliability. The motive exists to exaggerate the audiences’ size and enthusiasm, numbers of ‘between 5,000 and 12,000’ (Background) and comments such as ‘loud cheering’ (L. 2) could have been fabricated. The report was published in Chartism’s early years, a time of economic recession and social tension when the Whig party held power. The extract highlights the audiences’ economic circumstances making some references to inclusivity, however I believe political focus is the key theme. To begin with I shall consider economic pressure. Paragraph four of the extract focuses on this factor, the speaker makes several remarks which relate to and evidences the aud ience’s poverty such as ‘ragged clothing’, ‘insufficiency of food’, and ‘insufferable despair’.Chartism attracted support by instilling hopefulness that if democracy was put into practice, people’s economic anguish would lessen, namely that the Poor Law of 1834 would be discarded and taxes reduced. Chartism became an established movement due to a structural transfer in the economy from agriculture to manufacturing; the working classes in these industrial areas were under-represented. Manufacturing industries were prevalent in York and the surrounding areas therefore these economic factors would be close to the audience’s hearts.Briggs, secondary source 1, supports this view by arguing manufacturing communities displayed the strongest support whilst rural areas showed considerably less. The explanation of Chartism being a national political movement is strongly evidenced in the extract. The speaker expresses many political i deas, talking of an end to the established church, as well as addressing class legislations such as opposition to the Poor Law. The speaker states, ‘abolish the army, dash the navy’ (L. 48) ‘crush the church by law established, obliterate the debt from the national ledger, restore republicanism, establish equality’ (L. 50–L. 51).These are long established ideals of popular radicalism which evidences the movement’s political diversity and shows Chartism was able to draw on pre-existing radical support for democratic reform. An account from the Morning Chronicle, primary source 6, shows a flag used during the procession which carried the National Petition to Parliament sporting the phrase ‘we require justice before charity’ (p125). This proposes demonstrators would not be happy with an ‘economic hand-out’ (p126) instead wanting acknowledgment of their political rights; this paper was pro-Whigs so has reason to downplay anti-government protests so may be reliable.Chartist’s had their own political language and this is strong evidence for Chartism being a political movement, the extract uses such language to encourage listeners support, for example, ‘these evils chiefly of a political and social cast arise from one source – class legislation’ (L. 20-L. 21). Steadman Jones, secondary source 2, supports this notion by stating ‘the growth and decline of Chartism was a function of its capacity to persuade its constituency to interpret distress or discontent within the terms of its political language’ (p. 37).Evidence for Chartism been an inclusive cultural community also exists in the extract. The movement did not adhere to the times’ hierarchical style of society as it allowed anybody to join, the speaker demonstrates the movement’s inclusiveness by addressing women who were often excluded from politics, ‘I am glad to meet the brave men and fa ir women of York’ (L. 10). Chartism was all-embracing of the working classes; six working men were deliberated included on the committee that discussed the People’s Charter. The speaker addresses this group several times with ‘Working men’ (L. ), ‘Honourable gentlemen, I mean by this name the working class only’ (L. 17), and ‘the labouring class, are regarded as a cipher in importance’ (L. 22-L. 23). Ellen Yeo, secondary source 3, states the working classes were quite capable of creating their own politics just as they were proficient manufacturers in the economy. Chartism’s ideal of giving power to the people already occurred within the movement as it gave people a political voice, the National Petition’s allowed people whose opinion was rarely consulted by Parliament to put down their signature with a feeling of power and pride.Evidence for all three explanations for Chartism’s support exists in the extract. However I personally conclude that the main focus and draw of support was the movement’s political goals as the speech uses political language to acquire agitators and fight for electoral reform. Many political issues are also addressed not just male suffrage, evidence for economic and cultural factors are present too. I believe that economic slumps increased support as protestors could voice their resentment of suffering, and inclusiveness helped to provide this voice, yet it was the political focus that gave hope for change. 00 words Task 2 Write no more than 150 words for this task. Part 1 Briefly write down two or three pieces of feedback from your tutor on TMA 01. My tutor’s feedback on TMA01 included encouraging remarks regarding the structure and format of my work; I also received good comments on my referencing skills. However it was felt that I only just achieved the learning outcome of producing a relevant, reasoned answer. How have you used that feedback in preparing for TMA 02?Positive feedback showed that my work has a good structure with a clear introduction, main body and conclusion; I have therefore ensured that I did the same for TMA02. I also made sure to reference and use quotation marks around the phrases I included from the materials. In order to avoid unclear sentences in the essay I have studied material on both the Y180 and the BBC, ‘Skillswise' website. This helped improve my sentence construction, grammar and punctuation, and ultimately the flow of my writing. Feedback proved helpful as it meant I made a conscious effort to keep my sentences short so they remain crisp in meaning.

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