Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Impact of Advertising in Our Daily Lives Student

Advertising is a form of communication whose purpose is to fix the attention of a target to induce the desired behavior: purchase product, election of a politician, encouraging environment.. Advertising, to make public action or statement of what is public has come to mean all modern means used to publicize a product, an industrial or commercial to1830. Advertising does influence our consumption? Indeed, advertising influences our choices as consumers, initially targeting its message, then the presence of subliminal image and ending with propaganda. However, advertising is not that this aim, it can also be humanistic objects. Advertising is ubiquitous. Advertising does not leave us indifferent: She seduces,entertains or otherwise irritated, exasperated. The goal is to make known and to bring a product to purchase behavior. Advertising is a product of mass consumption. Theadvertisement conveys the norm of internality: â€Å"You can as long as we confine the means. † Advertising is the vector, creates or reinforces stereotypes. She teaches the components of a lifestyle (hygiene, meals †¦ ) desirable. It relays the consumer aspects of the practice groups that are in dominant positions and luxury products are presentedas accessible to all. They played on and reinforces stereotypes. Advertising is fundamentally conservative. Advertising adapts to customer segments. . Advertising inventing anything. An advertising is so easy for her to come to encourage there are several steps. The development of a commercial complex, the general approachbegins by defining strategy with targets thereof, objectives and constraints, we must then develop the message you want to go and find media to disseminate the advertising. Everything is considered and calculated. Developing a message inside of an advertisement is done by â€Å"copy strategy â€Å". It has promise, a concrete proposal to the consumer, the evidence supporting the promise corresponding to a distinguishing feature of the product, the consumer benefit, as provided by the use of this product, and tone, the elements of messages to create an atmosphere. Then there is the advertisement which consists of visual, written and sound effects. All items are calculated based on the target (the slogan, color, text, grip). Advertising also encourages us through subliminal image. The subliminal image is an image that is undetectable to the naked eye but the brain processes anyway. It should be noted that most existing laws prohibiting such images in advertising. A subliminal message is a stimulus that is not consciously perceived by the person who receives it ,it is beyond the level of consciousness, but it excites the senses well. An example of a subliminal message is in the re-election of Francois Mitterrand to the presidency. The daily of Paris â€Å"accusing him of having received subliminal messages contained in the Generic of journal TV france2. We can clearly see when it stops the picture is a picture of Mitterrand in the credits. However, the trial for â€Å"electoral manipulation† has been lost because the image lasted more than one twenty-fifth of a second, thereby excluding the qualifying subliminal. But there are many other examples. One can see that M6(French TV ) Is taken in offense by the HAC (Higher Audiovisual Council) for airing during the credits to sponsor the show â€Å"Camera Cafe† a subliminal image representing the logo Freedent White, a chewing gum brand Wrigley's . Propaganda is also a way to encourage consumption in our advertising. It is primarily a tool of manipulation. All those who hold power use it to convince, manipulate, and getmembership bid. Religions, sects, governments use them to achieve their ends. For their part, traders, sellers, use advertising which is a form of propaganda. Traders, vendors, seeking to convince people that they hold the secret to make them happy, the secret is obviously their products supposedly miraculous. And the dream continues. Propaganda or advertising, used in all areas: consumer products, sporting, cultural, fashion, electronic gadgets, etc.. All are using advertising to convince people to buy their products. The power of propaganda or advertising is not from the veracity of the facts or the quality of the product and it comes from the persuasiveness of the seller and his ability to convince. The means used must touch the emotions of the customer. It is the intent of the religions, governments, traders, sellers. Everything is used to transfer theresistance and get people to buy, to become passionate followers, fanatics. Wealways call to emotions rather than reason, as it is with emotion that we submit to it as easily. Despite the manipulative side of advertising, communication can be more humanistic goals. Road safety has constantly need to communicate, need to be present in the eyes of drivers. It therefore makes advertising campaigns to sensitize the impact of alcohol, drugs, phone or driving too fast. In this case, the short films that can be seen on television as advertising are not intended to influence or manipulate but to educate, raise awareness to the driver that he is endangering himself and others and should therefore be careful. The images are harsh, violent, traumatic. By dint of constantly saying that we should not drink and drive, using advertising campaigns, present and future generations will be increasingly sophisticated and advertising will be served with human goals. Advertising against alcohol and drugs at the wheel are more common on our television screens to educate young drivers and other road hazards. The side of the advertising that appears next is a more objective, we do not sell anything, it merely gives advice that is useful. Do not take the road hazards and the lightly advertising makes us feel good. Found in this type of advertising to target a more human side. Manipulation is not the goal of this campaign. The AIDS campaign is high profile, many commercials are created, like those for road safety awareness, prevent risks. These are general interest campaigns to raise awareness of a social or economic problem. They are nonprofit. There are different kinds of campaigns of this kind, such as prevention against smoking, the presidential campaigns, the introduction of TNT on all TV. These ads are aimed to prevent, anticipate, fight, act on economic or social problems. In conclusion, advertising is a form of communication that greatly influences our consumption. One can almost qualify as a science because everything is calculated for one is like to eat what we saw, or we will create the need for what we heard. Advertising manipulates us in our buying behavior. We identify with the characters in advertisings; we create needs, and must be filled. Advertising hide flaws because it transmits he new movements of fashion or appearance to the company embarks and followsthis movement with no questions asked to fit the new mold. However, advertising has a positive side when it comes to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving, or protect themselves against AIDS. It therefore has a more human purpose when not used for profit to sell us the latest product of such a mark. Chapter one: The origin of advertising 1-history of advertising: Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Commercial messages and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii and ancient Arabia. Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting for commercial advertising is another manifestation of an ancient advertising form, which is present to this day in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of wall painting can be traced back to Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BC. ]History tells us that Out-of-home advertising and billboards are the oldest forms of advertising. As the towns and cities of the Middle Ages began to grow, and the general populace was unable to read, signs that today would say cobbler, miller, tailor or blacksmith would use an image associated with their trade such as a boot, a suit, a hat, a clock, a diamond, a horse shoe, a candle or even a bag of flour. Fruits and vegetables were sold in the city square from the backs of carts and wagons and their proprietors used street callers (town criers) to announce their whereabouts for the convenience of the customers. As education became an apparent need and reading, as well as printing, developed advertising expanded to include handbills. In the 17th century advertisements started to appear in weekly newspapers in England. These early print advertisements were used mainly to promote books and newspapers, which became increasingly affordable with advances in the printing press; and medicines, which were increasingly sought after as disease ravaged Europe. However, false advertising and so-called â€Å"quack† advertisements became a problem, which ushered in the regulation of advertising content. As the economy expanded during the 19th century, advertising grew alongside. In the United States, the success of this advertising format eventually led to the growth of mail-order advertising. In June 1836, French newspaper La Presse was the first to include paid advertising in its pages, allowing it to lower its price, extend its readership and increase its profitability and the formula was soon copied by all titles. Around 1840, Volney B. Palmer established the roots of the modern day advertising agency in Philadelphia. In 1842 Palmer bought large amounts of space in various newspapers at a discounted rate then resold the space at higher rates to advertisers. The actual ad- the copy, layout, and artwork- was stilled prepared by the company wishing to advertise; in effect, Palmer was a space broker. The situation changed in the late 19th century when the advertising agency of N. W. Ayer & Son was founded. Ayer and Son offered to plan, create, and execute complete advertising campaigns for its customers. By 1900 the advertising agency had become the focal point of creative planning, and advertising was firmly established as a profession. Around the same time, in France, Charles-Louis Havas extended the services of his news agency, Havas to include advertisement brokerage, making it the first French group to organize. At first, agencies were brokers for advertisement space in newspapers. N. W. Ayer & Son was the first full-service agency to assume responsibility for advertising content. N. W. Ayer opened in 1869, and was located in Philadelphia. At the turn of the century, there were few career choices for women in business; however, advertising was one of the few. Since women were responsible for most of the purchasing done in their household, advertisers and agencies recognized the value of women's insight during the creative process. In fact, the first American advertising to use a sexual sell was created by a woman – for a soap product. Although tame by today's standards, the advertisement featured a couple with the message â€Å"The skin you love to touch†. . In the early 1920s, the first radio stations were established by radio equipment manufacturers and retailers who offered programs in order to sell more radios to consumers. As time passed, many non-profit organizations followed suit in setting up their own radio stations, and included: schools, clubs and civic groups. When the practice of sponsoring programs was popularised, each individual radio program was usually sponsored by a single business in exchange for a brief mention of the business' name at the beginning and end of the sponsored shows. However, radio station owners soon realised they could earn more money by selling sponsorship rights in small time allocations to multiple businesses throughout their radio station's broadcasts, rather than selling the sponsorship rights to single businesses per show. This practice was carried over to television in the late 1940s and early 1950s. A fierce battle was fought between those seeking to commercialise the radio and people who argued that the radio spectrum should be considered a part of the commons – to be used only non-commercially and for the public good. The United Kingdom pursued a public funding model for the BBC, originally a private company, the British Broadcasting Company, but incorporated as a public body by Royal Charter in 1927. In Canada, advocates like Graham Spry were likewise able to persuade the federal government to adopt a public funding model, creating theCanadian Broadcasting Corporation. However, in the United States, the capitalist model prevailed with the passage of theCommunications Act of 1934 which created the Federal Communications Commission. [5] However, the U. S. Congress did require commercial broadcasters to operate in the â€Å"public interest, convenience, and necessity†. 6] Public broadcasting now exists in the United States due to the 1967 Public Broadcasting Act which led to the Public Broadcasting Service and National Public Radio. In the early 1950s, the Dumont Television Network began the modern practice of selling advertisement time to multiple sponsors. Previously, DuMont had trouble finding sponsors for many of their programs and compensated by selling smaller blocks of advertising time to several businesses. This eventually became the standard for the commercial televi sion industry in the United States. However, it was still a common practice to have single sponsor shows, such as The United States Steel Hour. In some instances the sponsors exercised great control over the content of the show—up to and including having one's advertising agency actually writing the show. The single sponsor model is much less prevalent now, a notable exception being the Hallmark Hall of Fame. The 1960s saw advertising transform into a modern approach in which creativity was allowed to shine, producing unexpected messages that made advertisements more tempting to consumers' eyes. The Volkswagen ad campaign—featuring such headlines as â€Å"Think Small† and â€Å"Lemon† (which were used to describe the appearance of the car)—ushered in the era of modern advertising by promoting a â€Å"position† or â€Å"unique selling proposition† designed to associate each brand with a specific idea in the reader or viewer's mind. This period of American advertising is called the Creative Revolution and its archetype was William Bernbach who helped create the revolutionary Volkswagen ads among others. Some of the most creative and long-standing American advertising dates to this period. The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the introduction of cable television and particularly MTV. Pioneering the concept of the music video, MTV ushered in a new type of advertising: the consumer tunes in for the advertising message, rather than it being a by-product or afterthought. As cable and satellite television became increasingly prevalent, specialty channels emerged, including channels entirely devoted to advertising, such as QVC, Home Shopping Network, andShopTV Canada. Marketing through the Internet opened new frontiers for advertisers and contributed to the â€Å"dot-com† boom of the 1990s. Entire corporations operated solely on advertising revenue, offering everything from coupons to free Internet access. At the turn of the 21st century, a number of websites including the search engine Google, started a change in online advertising by emphasizing contextually relevant, unobtrusive ads intended to help, rather than inundate, users. This has led to a plethora of similar efforts and an increasing trend of interactive advertising.

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